Descriptive statistics
Statistical tests
Design of Experiment
Gage RR
Problem resolution
Control plan
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User Guide

kn design

The resoning behind the construction of this plan is the following:
  1. Define the factors and the levels
  2. Build the design of experiment
  3. Input the test results
  4. Analyze the plan
  5. Optimize the different plan results if required
Three buttons are available in this window:
  • Delete line: Eliminate a factor
  • New: Reset the sheet
  • Create a plan: Writes the plan constructed in the spreadsheet in order to enter the test results

Define the factors and the levels

The definition of the factors consists of defining for all factors:
  • a long name;
  • a short name (3 characters) the system automatically uses A, B, C… But we recommend you create meaningful short names (example Time => tim);
  • the levels studied; Ellistat automatically determines qualitative or quantitative factors
##Construction of design of experiments
Ellistat has an exclusive design of experiment creation engine. It is capable of finding the plans with the best strategy possible taking into account the structure of factors and their levels.
Once you click on "Create a plan" Ellistat will make several suggestions so you can choose the plan that fits your needs best:
Ellistat will suggest several types of plans:
  • Complete plan Constructs all the possible factor combinations. This plan carries no risk and will determine the factor effects and their interactions clearly. This plan often contains too many tests to actually be applied.
  • Resolution III plan: The smallest executable plan with factor structuring and defined levels. This plan contains very few tests but the interactions and the factors are aliased. Calculation errors for the factor effects is possible.
  • Clearing plan: A more realistic plan, the interactions and the factors are somewhat aliased. It generally contains few tests and a limited error risk.
Once the plan has been defined, the tests relative to the defined design of experiment will be input in the spreadsheet. All you will need to do from then on is carry out the tests before being able to analyze them.