Descriptive statistics
Statistical tests
Design of Experiment
Gage RR
Problem resolution
Control plan
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Various rules

In addition to the use of the simple rule for the following settings:
  • Within the control limits: whenever a part is measured that falls within control limits the perfectly centered process hypothesis is completely verified. No futher action is required.
  • Outside of control limiits: whenever a part is measured that falls outside of the control limits the perfectly centered process hypothesis is not verified. The process must, therefore, be adjusted. Using the rules defined above allows for variation detection in finer processes.
GraphDescriptionMeanvalue chart decisionRange chart decision
Dispersion moyenne
Controlled procedures
The curves and the oscillating R from each side of the mean. .
2/3 of the points are in the central third of the chart.
Dispersion moyenne
Points outside of the limits
The last point traced surpassed the control limits
Adjusting the procedure
by the difference value that separates the point from the target value.
Upper limit case
The short-term capability deteriorates. It is necessary to find the source of this deterioration and intervene..
There is a measurement error
Dispersion moyenne
Upper or lower trend
7 consecutive points are above or below the mean.
Adjusting the procedure
by the mean difference that separates the trend from the target value
Upper trend case
The short-term capability deteriorates. It is necessary to find the source of this deterioration and intervene..
Lower trend case
The short-term capability improves. It is necessary to find the source of this improvement and maintain it.
Dispersion moyenne
Increasing or decreasing trend
7 consecutive points show a regular increase or a regular decrease.
Adjusting the procedure
if the last point approaches the control limit of the difference that separates the last point from the target value
Ascending series case
The short-term capability deteriorates. It is necessary to find the source of this deterioration and intervene..
Descending series case
The short-term capability improves. It is necessary to find the source of this improvement and maintain it.
Dispersion moyenne
1 point is close to the limit.
The last traced point within 1/6 of the edge of the control chart.
by taking another sample immediately. If the point reappears in the central third - production. If the point is also close to the limits or outside of the limits, adjust the meanvalue of the two points
Upper parameter case
Monitor the capability.
If several of the points on the chart are also close to the upper limits, the capability deteriorates. It is necessary to find the source of this deterioration and intervene.